Angel Drawings Research
A scientific case study of ideomotor effect and automatic drawing!
Our angel drawings research is best viewed against the following directive statements of Rabbi Maimonides: "The motions of living beings, even those that are inarticulate, are said explicitly by Scripture to be due to angels." Modern science: "Whenever a movement instantly follows upon the idea of it, we have ideomotor action." And whenever we have ideomotor action, we are very close to creating Angel drawings!
Read how prominent Russian scientists discuss Angel drawing!
In 2001, Belarussian psychologist dr. Vladimir Sivitsky PhD (you see him standing next to a statue of Zoroaster in Kiev), invited me to be part of his scientific research of ideomotorics and match it with my experience of automatic writing and Angel drawings. Dr. Sivitsky heads the faculty of psychology of the International Humanitairian and Economics Institute (IHEI) in Minsk, Belarus.
On april 4, 2002, Dr. Sivitsky invited a group of prominent scientists to gather in Minsk and take part in a round table conference. The idea was to discuss and lecture about ideomotor effect, viewed against the perspective of my work as an ideomotor artist and an exhibition of Angel drawings.
Exhibition of Angel drawings in the Maxim Bogdanovich's Literary Museum, Minsk.
The conference was organised in the prestigious Maxim Bogdanovich's Literary Museum in Minsk where simultaniously my automatic drawings were exhibited. A video document of me doing my transcendental drawing work was showed to all participants before their comments were heared. The happening lasted the whole day and drew attention of national television and other media.
"Should we see it as a representation of negative powers?"
Doctor of philosophy and professor of the International Humanitarian and Economics Institute, Minsk.
Prof.dr.Tamara Alpeeva
"You can see it as a mental movement, a movement of the idea".
Sports Psychologist, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the International Humanitarian and Economics Institute, Minsk,
Dr. Vladimir Sivitsky
"It reminds me of the pantheon of gods. "
Founder of the Maxim Bogdanovich's Museum in Minsk,
Eduard Agunovich
"What we see over here is something getting out of the limits, getting out of the rules."
Doctor of Philosophy from the Belarussian State University
Tatjana Rumjantseva
"This is something new, something that we didn’t come across before. We don’t realize it yet."
Director of Cultural Centre International Humanitarian and Economics Institute
Lubov Perervenko
"New approaches, new aspects and no analogs... it’s really something unique."
Writer and Poet, member of the National Union of Writers of Russia,
Valeriy Strapka
"I see it as the idea of art, the first language used on this planet"
Philosopher from the Belarussian State University
Natalja Judanova
"Symbol is the most pure example of what we see here, but is it an art ?
Philosopher and Psychiatrist, manager of Laboratory of scientific examination
Andrej Halimonovich
"Through the works of Aster we got a possibility to dodge the idea of communication with god."
Pro-rector on Cultural work of the International Humanitarian and Economics Institute, Minsk,
Ludmilla Shulga
FREE! An interesting new book about ideomotorics and Angel drawing!
June 2003, the fruit of our research and cooperation was dr. Sivitsky’s first book (officially a book for students of psychology) about ideomotor effect, entitled ‘familiar stranger’. The book is presently being translated from Russian to English and will soon be available for a free download.